
quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010

The next studio work of Lady Gaga promises to be a major release in recent years, if we take into consideration what the singer and his producer, RedOne, commented recently.
Gaga said the new album will be "its largest launch" and an "anthem for his generation the next decade."
Now was the time of its producer, RedOne also talk about the long awaited CD from Lady Gaga."It will be shocking, shocking, shocking!" He said.
In an interview with Billboard, the producer told Gaga want to surprise your audience with this release. "We want to give the fans something that makes everyone say" Oh my God. We did not expect so. "
RedOne also said that with the new work, he and Gaga seek a kind of "evolution" of music."When you hear Bad Romance after Poker Face, is like the best thing you ever heard (...) We want this kind of reaction (with the new album). I think part of our work - keep it evolved. "
The new album by Lady Gaga has no release date confirmed yet. His most recent studio album was the album "The Fame Monster" in 2009.

It is not today that we see rumors and stories of dissension within the Pussycat Dolls, Carmit after release from [the first redhead] stories of intrigue of the group began to emerge, after all the other girls claimed that the attention went to Nicole only [not click here if you do not die], and producer of the group defended by saying that when they signed the contract knew that. Well, it does not matter any more now after all the expected happened, the group broke up and there was a recast, and the only member of the group that is still a.. Nicole!
Nicole has always enjoyed the tone of voice, sexy dance, but I think the other members had as much potential as it would be just a little more opportunities for all and not just a cd with some bonus tracks unknown, is not it?

About the new members, we have no new information, just a picture in which Robin [producer of PCD] I posted on Twitter a private show what they did ..

See the new members:
Something tells me that these strands of red is not of God and who will want to take Nicole's place, lol. And the second from left to right has to be the new face of Jessica, ie the flop misses the group choreography and he had to dye your hair red to compensate lack of Bachar.But well, let the weather take our doubts.
Now let's talk about something good? The yogurt maker TopTe ... No, it's about new and Nicole Scherzinger's first single, "Nobody Can Change Me" which will be premiered today on "On Air With Ryan Seacrest" KIIS FM radio. The track is another attempt to take off the solo career of Nicole, that thing is kinda hard, and the last attempt to do that gave her the title of queen of the flop, after his single missed only be sold at the door of churches and free markets.

The new range comes with a good grip, nothing to follow fashion with electronic taps and round, but with a ballad with a letter super pretty. If you are going to make it take off? I think not, but the hope is the last to die, right?

novo sengle do 30h!3 - double vision

Lança o dupla visão do 3Oh!3 um eletropop de Seu segundo single do CD "Streets of Gold". Depois da beijação de "My First Kiss" Vem com a divertidinha "Double Vision".

Enquanto uma música é um clip muito criativo . Um vídeo Que Não custou Tanto Mas Que teve Resultado Criativo Que vai se espalhar Pela net Pela Idéia da viralização. O conceito gira em torno de Uma Página de Internet Alguém Que vai dando role e como acotecendo Coisas Vão, tocados vídeos, banners pop-up, anúncios, jogos, Tudo inserido é como estivesse acessando a internet.

E pra deixar o vídeo Mais Interessante inseriram ainda alguns ovos de páscoa e piadinhas sem meio, Como o cursor de carga de Macintosh, Uma paródia viral do Daft Bodies e o Jogo de twister.
E potencializar Para a viralização do single e do vídeo, eles lançaram o site www.imseeingdouble.com Recheado de interatividade.

Today I was wondering when would leak the "Bionic" whole, because the time is now, and poom, the link appeared. Leaked.

To speak of "Bionic," one of the CDs most hyped acts of the year, wanted to talk about the career of the singer. I noticed that in recent years Christina Aguilera has spoken more than done. She always has very specific concepts but do not think she has understood how to execute them. Ok, "Stripped" album was a pop / R & B and really was mission accomplished Bozina a excelenteeeee cd indeed.

Then came "Back to Basics," as the cd, when it announced the concept but I was curious to hear the whole cd horrible thought. I do not think she had the courage to execute the idea to the letter and instead it came with several pop songs shouted that they were talking to the middle of last century, put trumpets and saxophones in a handful of music irrelevant. The second cd has many tracks legal yes, but first she got in the way commercial and conceptual, and was confused.

I said that because I think it is more or less what happened to the "Bionic." When she announced the cd she shouted to the four winds: a disk will be "electronic, alternative and futuristic," suddenly we are hearing "Not Myself Tonight 'and asking us, innovative? Futuristic?Aguilera, you just released a b-side of his CD of 2002. Combining this with a video clip that was meant to be more and less, people started to frown upon the "futuristic" in Xtincta right away.Now that I heard the whole cd quite come to the conclusion that "Bionic" as is "Back to Basics," a CD that could have been much more than it is to Xtina had invested in the concept and did not have a record company screaming in your ear " where are the hits? That will not play on the radio. " But unlike the cd / pin-up, this ended up being a solid job pop and much more relevant.

The first track sets the tone for what should be the whole cd. "Bionic" is absurdinha and as I said, has Santigold stamped in one second and it is not until the end. Soon after "Not Myself Tonight" (which came at 45 the second time) and "woohoo" with Nicki Minaj, the first of only two appearances. "Woohoo" is the second single, has an introduction BIZARRE what appears to be another song and I have my doubts whether the U.S. market will embrace a song in which Christina is talking about her Agrela.

Stuck in the middle of the album so far from the track four things start to heat up. I was mesmerized by "Elastic Love", the band's most inspired album and after listening to about 4 times I asked myself: Why "Bionic" has at least another 10 "Love's Elastic"? This band, which has M.I.A. godmother as is the case that the singer could have done a cd rather daring and delightful if it had to be mainstream. The song would fit well in a cd Santigold, MIA, Goldfrapp, Yelle, Roisin Murphy and the remix right may surprise many hipsters in the clubs absurdinhas / electronics when they discover that they are dancing Christina Aguilera.

Elastic Love

Continuing the good phase of the cd "Desnúdate" is ethnic, silly, but charming and when you least expect you'll find yourself singing "la ropa quitate" and other Latin verses."Prima Donna" is mandatory and reminds us of how the singer does well as the role of nerve in 2002 with "Get Mine, Get Yours" and "Make Over".

The Saturdays new album

After his second album, now The Saturdays, The Sabadetes or for those who enjoy a vibe SBT / Afternoon Session, comes with its third project, the EP "Headlines."

First of all, I found the first cd of them excellent, "Chasing Lights" I heard him very much! They both played on my ipod as the Sugababes pre-Jade. When there came the second album, "Wordshaker, check it out I was eager, hungry for more Sabadetes but it was a cold water bath, I was dissatisfied bemmmm. While the first was very excited Europop and the second was more organic, instrumental and even a bit more introspective, which did not please me, I did not think they acted that way. The CD was not mirth, it was not contagious, the songs were not relevant.

Commented to me the "Headlines" was already there and asked my opinion. Well, I heard the whole EP during the week and here is what I found:

Sometimes when your expectations are very low it is easier to like something, so it was with this EP. 8 The few tracks from it formed a much better result for me than the "Wordshaker.

The first single "Missing You" is mean, is not material for first-class one. The two singles from second album are here, "Ego," one of the best tracks on Wordshaker "and" Forever Is Over, "I do not like nemmmm a little.

As for the new songs are very promising. "Died In Your Arms" reminds me in some parts of the excellent single "Work" is a midtempo romantic but tasty, "Karma" is lively but stayed the fine line between pop and light pop Disney, it was short. "Puppet" yes this is the star of this disc is pop, dance and upbeat and has a catchy chorus, something that was missing from the debut cd. Something that felt like singing, this track is certainly memorable.

And closing the "Headlines" "One Shot (Starsmith Mix)," a turbocharged version of the song that is on the second cd.

When I come back to hear "Chasing Lights" I'm amazed how he is light years ahead of everything else they have done. This is quite common in the industry, that artists have a brilliant cd and never able to repeat the magic. Sabadetes So far I have not yet proved they can recreate something like "Up," "If This Is Love", "Work" and "Chasing Lights", but "Headlines" has already given me a hope that they are on track.

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

Burlesque o filme, com a participação da Christina Aguilera no clip 'Something's Got A Hold On Me'

Christina Aguilera Burlesque

Com base neste clip exclusivo abaixo, Christina Aguilera parece estar batendo uma nota maior alta em 'Burlesque', o filme que marca o seu tão aguardado (e, pela aparência dela, estreia) impressionante atuação.

No filme, o astro vencedor do Grammy execuções Ali, aspirante a cantora que se muda para Los Angeles com a esperança de se tornar uma grande estrela. Ela consegue um emprego como garçonete no The Lounge Burlesque, de propriedade e operados por Tess (Cher vencedor do Oscar), e rapidamente assume o papel principal como o melhor desempenho do clube. Mas, como acontece com muitos casos no show business, Ali aprende que o caminho para a fama nem sempre é - o que - uma garota quer.
Assista o clip abaixo,o filme sairá em novembro dia 04 em EUA não esta previsto no Brasil ainda

Burlesque o filme, com a participação da Christina Aguilera no clip 'Something's Got A Hold On Me'

Christina Aguilera Burlesque

Com base neste clip exclusivo abaixo, Christina Aguilera parece estar batendo uma nota maior alta em 'Burlesque', o filme que marca o seu tão aguardado (e, pela aparência dela, estreia) impressionante atuação.

No filme, o astro vencedor do Grammy execuções Ali, aspirante a cantora que se muda para Los Angeles com a esperança de se tornar uma grande estrela. Ela consegue um emprego como garçonete no The Lounge Burlesque, de propriedade e operados por Tess (Cher vencedor do Oscar), e rapidamente assume o papel principal como o melhor desempenho do clube. Mas, como acontece com muitos casos no show business, Ali aprende que o caminho para a fama nem sempre é - o que - uma garota quer.
Assista o clip abaixo,o filme sairá em novembro dia 04 em EUA não esta previsto no Brasil ainda

a biografia de justin bieber

segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010

a biografia de justin bieber

Justin bieber revelará sua primeira biografia para os fãs e teve a sua capa revelada,e vai dá um aperitivo o que que os fãs poderá encontrar no seu livro.Justin bieber fala o que os fãs poderá encontrar quando for abrir o livro. "muitas fotos exclusivas para vocês.Com amor Justin"é a mensagem que fica ao lado da foto principal de Justin.
E não é só as fotos que estarão na biografia de justin mas como também falará sobre o início da sua carreira onde tudo começo desde como ele foi descoberto como talento pela internet e até o sucesso pelo planeta.
A biografia deve chegar em outubro nos EUA.Já no Brasil ainda não é´previsto

sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Justin Bieber Ft . Soulja Boy Rich Girl ....( New Music 2010)

Soulja Boy faz parceria com Justin Bieber no seu novo album Dre

Soulja Boy para o seu novo album Dre resolveu fazer uma parceria com justin bieber diz soulja numas entrevistas com a billboard "justin sempre enviava mensagens pra min no twitter-e ai cara e o justin- só que nao nada muita importãncia,ate que ele começo mandar-me uns videos dele ai eu gostei comecei a conversar com ele em diante".O rep soulja diz tambem ter gostado de cantar com justin " adora trabalhar com justin é sempre brincalhão é engraçado''
Sua nova musica chama-e "Rich girl" fala sobre as garotas ricas, as patricinhas,que gastam com maior luxo e riqueza

Black eyed peas faz sua ultima turnê no Brasil

BlackBerry apresenta "The E. N. D. World Tour 2010". Apoiado por Rum BACARDI ®, - Seis vezes ganhador do Grammy, artistas multi-platinado The Black Eyed Peas acaba de anunciar suas turnes no México e da parte do Sul, e inclusive no Brasil apresenta "A Volta ao Mundo FIM de 2010." Apoiado por Rum BACARDI ®, o espírito oficial da turnê e sincero por Fergie, a fragrância exclusiva da Avon. Brasil Datas inclui as seguintes cidades: Fortaleza no Ceará Music Festival, no Marina Park em 15 de outubro, em Recife, no Jockey Club em 17 de outubro, em Salvador, no Parque de Exposições em 19 de outubro, em Brasília no Estádio Mané Garrincha estacionamento no 22 de outubro, Rio de Janeiro na Praça da Apoteose em 24 de outubro, em Belo Horizonte no Espaço Mega em 26 de outubro, em Porto Alegre no parque de estacionamento FIERGES em 29 de outubro, em Florianópolis, no Sapiens Parque em 01 de novembro, culminando na maior festa de sempre em São Paulo no Estádio do Morumbi em 04 de novembro com muito convidado especial David Guetta.

BlackBerry Presents "The END World Tour 2010", tem sido descrito como "mais recente espetáculo pop sci-fi" pelo New York Times, enquanto E.U. Magazine revela que a turnê é um "futurista festança cheia de sucessos imparável, de alta energia, divertimento e alguns interlúdios assassino solo .... " . Até agora eles já jogou 35 norte-americanos e 18 europeus headlining datas este ano, e estão actualmente na estrada acondicionamento de outras 16 datas na América do Norte neste verão.

BlackBerry apresenta "The END World Tour 2010" é de apoio ao The END, platina The Black Eyed Peas 'multi-álbum 1, e marca a primeira vez que will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo e Fergie são Unidos para ir ao México e as datas de título sul-americano desde a sua turnê mundial 2006 Monkey Business. The Black Eyed Peas lançou sua caminhada no mundo inteiro, poucos dias após a sua 2010 triplo Grammy Award - The END prêmio de Melhor Álbum Vocal Pop, enquanto seu primeiro single "Boom Boom Pow" ganhou o melhor Short Form Music Video, e seu segundo single "I Gotta Feeling" prêmio de Melhor Performance Pop por um Duo ou Grupo.Até agora, a E.N.D. já vendeu mais de 2,6 milhões de cópias em E.U., e mais 7,33 milhões de cópias mundo , enquanto as despesas 59 semanas no Billboard 200. É também o primeiro álbum em duas décadas por um duo ou grupo para produzir cinco Top 10 músicas no Hot 100 da Billboard, incluindo três 1 Hits "Boom Boom Pow", "I Gotta Feeling" e "Imma Be," 7 "Meet Me Halfway" e atual n º 9 faixa "Rock the body." Além disso, "I Gotta Feeling". é o primeiro download digital para passar a marca de 6 milhões na história da SoundScan, como relatado recentemente na Billboard.

quarta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2010

Ke$ha - Take It Off

veja tambem a kesha concorrendo no vma a sua musica tik tok vote

Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (NEW SONG FULL VERSION EXCLUSIVE 2010 HQ)

tambem esta concorrendo no vma vote

sonho de adolescente

O novo single de Katy Perry, Teenage Dream (faixa-título de seu segundo álbum de estúdio), já caiu na web e virou o novo queridinho dos amantes da música pop - e até a crítica especializada está babando o ovo do novo trabalho da cantora, a ponto da Billboard colocá-la na capa da revista com a chamada "a nova rainha do pop".

Falando um pouco sobre o novo single em entrevista para a MTV, Katy Perry afirmou que a faixa tem um lugar especial em seu coração.

"Eu escrevi esta canção enquanto estava em Santa Barbara, e foi um momento de magia para mim, porque é o local em que eu cresci. E quando eu comecei a compor senti aquela euforia deliciosa que todos nós temos quando lembramos dos nossos sonhos adolescentes", contou Katy Perry.

"E eu acho que eu continuo a ser um desses sonhos adolescentes molhadinhos...", provocou a cantora.

O álbum Teenage Dream chega äs lojas no dia 24 de agosto.

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

votem na lady gaga no vma na categoria de melhor musica pop

Usher - OMG [Official Video WITH LYRICS] #OMG

votem no usher omg no vma na categoria best dance music video

Eminem - Not Afraid

votem no eminem no vma na categoria no melhor video masculino

vma 2010 eminem e lady gaga na liderança

Lady Gaga Eminem

Lady gaga e eminem estão concorrendo no vma ao video music award.Lady gaga esta com treze indicações neste ano já o eminem com oito.As musicas bad romance e telephone garantiram as indicações nas categorias video do ano, a melhor colaboração,e melhor video de artista do sexo feminino.
O eminem também não fica pra traz com as categorias de melhor video de artista do sexo masculino,video do ano e melhor video de hip-hop com a sua musica "not afraid"
O novato B.O.B também recebeu cinco indicações uma delas e na categoria de melhor video de hip-hop
O vma 2010 acontecera no dia doze de setembro no nokia theater,em Los Angeles
VMA 2010
Os indicados Video Music Awards 2010 foram anunciados e a votação já começou. Chegou a hora de provar seu amor às estrelas internacionais! A premiação acontece no dia 12 de setembro e a MTV Brasil transmite ao vivo às 22h. Veja a lista completa dos indicados:

B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams
Title: Airplanes
Album: B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Director: Hiro Murai
Label: Atlantic, Grand Hustle, Rebel Rock
Production Company: Partizan Entertainment
Producer: Anne Johnson

Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga
Title: Video Phone (Extended Remix)
Album: I AM…SASHA FIERCE (Deluxe Edition)
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Columbia, Music World Music
Production Company: Naa’ila Entertainment
Producer: Hype Williams

Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé
Title: Telephone
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Jonas Akerlund
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: Serial Pictures/Anonymous Content
Producers: Stephanie Bruni, Violaine Etienne and Nicole Ehrlich

3OH!3 featuring Kesha
Title: My First Kiss
Album: Streets Of Gold
Director: Isaac Ravishankara
Label: Photo Finish Records
Production Company: Anchor Light Productions
Producer: Kevin Hayden

Jay-Z & Alicia Keys
Title: Empire State of Mind
Album: The Blueprint 3
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Roc Nation
Production Company: Naaila Entertainment
Producer: Abdur Rahman

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt

Title: Tik Tok
Album: Animal
Director: Syndrome
Label: RCA
Production Company: Hello & Company
Producer: Billy Parks

Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg
Title: California Gurls
Album: Teenage Dream
Director: Mathew Cullen
Label: Capitol Records
Production Company: Motion Theory
Producer: Javier Jimenez, Patrick Nugent, Bernard Rahill, Danny Lockwood

Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga
Title: Video Phone (Extended Remix)
Album: I AM…SASHA FIERCE (Deluxe Edition)
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Columbia, Music World Music
Production Company: Naa’ila Entertainment
Producer: Hype Williams

Taylor Swift
Title: Fifteen
Album: Fearless
Director: Roman White
Label: Big Machine Records, Universal Republic
Production Company: Revolution Pictures, Inc.
Producer: Randy Brewer

Title: Not Afraid
Album: Recovery
Director: Rich Lee
Label: Aftermath, Interscope
Production Company: DNA
Producer: Justin Diener

Usher featuring Will.I.Am
Title: OMG
Album: Raymond v. Raymond
Director: Anthony Mandler
Label: LaFace Records, JLG
Production Company: LET Films
Producer: Kim Bradshaw

B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams
Title: Airplanes
Album: B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Director: Hiro Murai
Label: Atlantic, Grand Hustle, Rebel Rock
Production Company: Partizan Entertainment
Producer: Anne Johnson

Title: Find Your Love
Album: Thank Me Later
Director: Anthony Mandler
Label: Cash Money Records, Young Money
Production Company: Let Films
Producer: C. Pardo

Jason Derulo
Title: In My Head
Album: Jason Derulo
Director: Kai Crawford
Label: Warner Bros. Records, Beluga Heights
Production Company: Red Summer Photo Play
Producer: Cisco Newman

B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams
Title: Airplanes
Album: B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Director: Hiro Murai
Label: Atlantic, Grand Hustle, Rebel Rock
Production Company: Partizan Entertainment
Producer: Anne Johnson

Title: Not Afraid
Album: Recovery
Director: Rich Lee
Label: Aftermath, Interscope
Production Company: DNA
Producer: Justin Diener

Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem
Title: Forever
Album: Music Inspired From The Film More Than A Game
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Interscope, Zone 4, Inc., Harvey Mason Music
Production Company: Naaila Entertainment, Inc
Producer: Tony McGarry

Jay-Z & Swizz Beats
Title: On To The Next One
Album: The Blueprint 3
Director: Sam Brown
Label: Roc Nation
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producer: Jeremy Sullivan, Pepper Carlson

Kid Cudi featuring MGMT & Ratatat
Title: Pursuit Of Happiness
Album: Man on the Moon
Director: Brody Baker
Label: Fool’s Gold
Production Company: El Nino
Producer: Jules Dieng


Title: Tik Tok
Album: Animal
Director: Syndrome
Label: RCA
Production Company: Hello & Company
Producer: Billy Parks

Jason Derulo
Title: In My Head
Album: Jason Derulo
Director: Kai Crawford
Label: Warner Bros. Records, Beluga Heights
Production Company: Red Summer Photo Play
Producer: Cisco Newman

Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris
Title: Baby
Album: My World Part II
Director: Ray Kay
Label: Island Def Jam, RBMG
Production Company: Rockhard Films
Producer: Nicole Acacio

Nicki Minaj featuring Sean Garrett
Title: Massive Attack
Album: N/A
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Cash Money Records, Young Money
Production Company: Naaila Entertainment
Producer: T. McGarry & K. Brown

Broken Bells
Title: The Ghost Inside
Album: Broken Bells
Director: Jacob Gentry
Label: Columbia
Production Company: POPfilms/Soapbox Films
Producer: Alexander Motlagh

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt

Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dog
Title: California Gurls
Album: Teenage Dream
Director: Mathew Cullen
Label: Capitol Records
Production Company: Motion Theory
Producers: Javier Jimenez, Patrick Nugent, Bernard Rahill, Danny Lockwood

Title: Tik Tok
Album: Animal
Director: Syndrome
Label: RCA
Production Company: Hello & Company
Producer: Billy Parks

Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga
Title: Video Phone (Extended Remix)
Album: I AM…SASHA FIERCE (Deluxe Edition)
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Columbia, Music World Music
Production Company: Naa’ila Entertainment
Producer: Hype Williams

B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars
Title: Nothing on You
Album: B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Director: Ethan Lader
Label: Atlantic, Grand Hustle, Rebel Rock
Production Company: Kleiner Inc.
Producer: Christopher Cho

30 Seconds To Mars
Title: Kings and Queens
Album: This Is War
Director: Bartholomew Cubbins
Label: Virgin Records
Production Company: Hello and Co.
Producers: Jared Leto, Emma Ludbrook, Sheeira Rees-Davies, Melissa Larsen, Dave Robertson

Title: Uprising
Album: The Resistance
Director: Hydra
Label: Warner Bros. Records
Production Company: Humble
Producer: Humble

Title: Ignorance
Album: Brand New Eyes
Director: Honey
Label: Fueled By Ramen
Production Company: Partizan Entertainment
Producer: Jeff Pantaleo

Florence + the Machine
Title: Dog Days Are Over
Album: Lungs
Director: LEGS
Label: Universal Republic
Production Company: Rokkit
Producer: Malachy Mcanenny

Title: Flash Delirium
Album: Congratulations
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Label: Cloumbia
Production Company: Streetgang Films
Producer: Jason Botkin/ Jonathan Lia

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt

Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull
Title: I Like It
Album: Euphoria/Jersey Shore Soundtrack
Director: Mike Baro
Label: Universal Republic
Production Company: CreativeSeen
Producer: Alex Sdoucos

Title: Evacuate The Dancefloor
Album: Evacuate The Dancefloor
Director: Max Nichols
Label: Robbins Entertainment, LLC
Production Company: Clark Jackson Productions
Producer: Clark Jackson

David Guetta featuring Akon
Title: Sexy Chick
Album: One Love
Director: Stephen Schuster
Label: Gum Pod
Production Company: U-MAN
Producer: Hervé Humbert

Usher featuring Will.I.Am
Title: OMG
Album: Raymond v. Raymond
Director: Anthony Mandler
Label: LaFace Records, JLG
Production Company: LET Films
Producer: Kim Bradshaw

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt

Florence + The Machine
Title: Dog Days Are Over
Album: Lungs
Director: LEGS
Label: Universal Republic
Production Company: Rokkit
Producer: Malachy Mcanenny

30 Seconds To Mars
Title: Kings and Queens
Album: This Is War
Director: Bartholomew Cubbins
Label: Virgin Records
Production Company: Hello and Co.
Producers: Jared Leto, Emma Ludbrook, Sheeira Rees-Davies, Melissa Larsen, Dave Robertson

Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé
Title: Telephone
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Jonas Akerlund
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: Serial Pictures/Anonymous Content
Producers: Stephanie Bruni, Violaine Etienne and Nicole Ehrlich

Title: Not Afraid
Album: Recovery
Director: Rich Lee
Label: Aftermath, Interscope
Production Company: DNA
Producer: Justin Deiner

B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams
Title: Airplanes
Album: B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Director: Hiro Murai
Label: Atlantic, Grand Hustle, Rebel Rock
Production Company: Partizan Entertainment
Producer: Anne Johnson

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt
Art Director: Charles Infante

Florence + The Machine
Title: Dogs Days Are Over
Album: Lungs
Director: LEGS
Label: Universal Republic
Production Company: Rokkit
Producer: Malachy Mcanenny
Art Director: Louise Corcoran

Title: Not Afraid
Album: Recovery
Director: Rich Lee
Label: Aftermath, Interscope
Production Company: DNA
Producer: Justin Diener
Art Director: Ethan Tobman

30 Seconds To Mars
Title: Kings and Queens
Album: This Is War
Director: Bartholomew Cubbins
Label: Virgin Records
Production Company: Hello and Co.
Producer: Jared Leto, Emma Ludbrook, Sheeira Rees-Davies, Melissa Larsen, Dave Robertson
Art Director: Marc Benacerraf

Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga
Title: Video Phone (Extended Remix)
Album: I AM…SASHA FIERCE (Deluxe Edition)
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Columbia, Music World Music
Production Company: Naa’ila Entertainment
Producer: Hype Williams
Art Director: Lenny Tso

Lady Gaga
Title: Bad Romance
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Francis Lawrence
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: DNA Inc.
Producers: Heather Heller, Nicole Ehrlich and Kathy Angstadt
Choreography: Laurieann Gibson

Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé
Title: Telephone
Album: The Fame Monster
Director: Jonas Akerlund
Label: Interscope, Cherrytree, Streamline, KonLive
Production Company: Serial Pictures/ Anonymous Content
Producers: Stephanie Bruni, Violaine Etienne and Nicole Ehrlich
Choreographer: Laurieann Gibson

Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga
Title: Video Phone (Extended Remix)
Album: I AM…SASHA FIERCE (Deluxe Edition)
Director: Hype Williams
Label: Columbia, Music World Music
Production Company: Naa’ila Entertainment
Producer: Hype Williams
Choreographer: Frank Gatson

Usher featuring Will.I.Am
Title: OMG
Album: Raymond v. Raymond
Director: Anthony Mandler
Label: LaFace Records, JLG
Production Company:
Producer: Kim Bradshaw
Choreographer: Aakomon “AJ”

Janelle Monáe featuring Big Boi
Title: Tightrope
Album: The Archandroid
Director: Wendy Morgan
Label: Atlantic Records, Bad Boy Records, Wondaland
Production Company: Revolver Film Company
Producer: Helen Urriola
Choreographer: Janelle Monae & The Memphis Jookin Community